Illicit activity is a major problem in the world today. Most people do not believe that buying a simple handbag or watch would create a problem. Think about not only what you are buying at that moment but what else those people who are selling you the product may also be selling. “Argentina has accused the United States of bringing undeclared weapons, drugs and communications equipment into the country,” (TOM HENNIGAN) Many can believe that what they are doing is nothing to worry about. But something as simple to buying a copied handbag can be also related to a more sinister scenario. Even though the above quote may not be a simple black market case, the government could also be a factor of some of these illicit activities. Buying a simple handbag or a pair of sunglasses could lead to something far more complex such as possibly buying from the same people who also illicit liquor. There are many types of illicit activity some ranging from not so bad to unthinkable. There are things as little as buying counterfeit clothes and accessories to buying human organs and trafficking children out for sex. Something that many would think was horrible and unthinkable. Even I myself did not make the leap between the two. Asking myself how could buying a fake handbag be bad or lead to worse things. For the buyer maybe not so much but in order to stop these types of activity’s we have to think about the consumers and educating them on what they may be buying and other things that relate to those. Illicit activities are a major problem in society today and the government and ourselves need to help stop these issues. Many of us would find buying a human repulsive so why support the same group by buying the lesser accessories.
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